MBA, Master of Business Administration [Distance learning], International University of Applied Sciences (Former IUBH)
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IU, MBA, Master of Business Administration [Distance learning]



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Онлайн янв, фев, мар, апр, май, июн, июл, авг, сен, окт, ноя, дек Кол-во мес: 12 €12400 Whole course 2020 - 2021
Онлайн янв, фев, мар, апр, май, июн, июл, авг, сен, окт, ноя, дек Кол-во мес: 18 €15990 Whole course 2020 - 2021

Your door to the business world

Our MBA distance learning program is the ideal starting point for the next step on your professional path - a career as a successful manager. The programme qualifies you in the areas of business administration, corporate management, marketing, finance and leadership for demanding activities in middle to upper management in many industries and specialist areas. And its international orientation makes you fit for the global job market.

By the way: In the MBA distance learning ranking 2017 of our study course was the winner with the highest grade of 1.3.

With an MBA you bring leadership competence and comprehensive knowledge from all relevant management disciplines to the table - and thus open up your career to a wide range of opportunities. No matter which area you come from, an MBA Master of Business Administration is the perfect basis for your next career step. The broad knowledge base from the areas of finance, economics and leadership will help you to assume a leading position with budget responsibility. For example, you can analyze developments and markets, develop new products and business ideas, advise customers, lead departments and teams or strategically develop the image of your company.

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Школа бизнеса и управления IUBH находится в историческом парке Сент Анно Парк в центре городка Бад-Хоннефе. Кампус состоит из отреставрированных старинных построек и современных зданий, что дарит ему неповторимый стиль.

Ближайший международный аэропорт расположен в Кёльне/Бонне. От него до кампуса вуза можно комфортно добраться на поезде или такси.