BSc (Hons), Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)

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Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), BSc (Hons), Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Year 1: Materials science I; condensed matter; mechanics of solids; quantum physics, options include: heredity and gene action; mathematical techniques I; scientific measurement; from Newton to Einstein; introduction to functional materials; mathematical techniques II; electric and magnetic fields. Year 2: Deformation of materials, options include: physical chemistry of matter; thermal and kinetic physics; physics laboratory; polymers I; structural characterisation. Year 3: Extended independent project; solid state physics; statistical physics, options include: polymers II; quantum mechanics B.

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Queens Building. Mile End Campus Inside the ‘Blizzard Building’ Medical school lecture theatre Mile End Campus (around green building), and Royal London Hospital big blue building, home of our medical school), proximity to the City of London (another financial centre) Postgraduate accommodation. Mile End campus Lincoln’s In Field Campus (Postgraduate Law School in Holborn)
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Queen Mary University of London находится в оживленном Восточном Лондоне, недалеко от Шордитча, центра развития моды, СМИ и веб-технологий, а также деловых кварталов Сити и Канэри-Уорф.