PhD, Healthcare Research, Брайтонский университет, University of Brighton

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Brighton, University of, PhD, Healthcare Research



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Вечернее сентябрь Кол-во лет: 6
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 3
The Centre for Health Care Research is jointly funded by the NHS R&D initiative and the University of Brighton; the Centre is the commissioned research and development support unit for the NHS in Sussex; it provides expert advice, training and a source of research collaboration to health and social care services at local, regional and national levels; tthe centre is founded on a research programme led by Professor Robert Horne (Director of the CHCR) and Professor John Weinman (Professor of Health Psychology, GKT Medical Schools, London); the programme focuses on the role of patients' perceptions of illness and treatments as determinants of behaviour and outcome; this has led to the development of validated methods for assessing patients' perspectives of illness and treatment; the CHCR is also interested in the factors influencing the behaviour of health professionals, and in communication in healthcare settings.

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