MA (Hons), Scandinavian Studies and Business Studies, Эдинбургский университет, University of Edinburgh

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Эдинбургский университет, MA (Hons), Scandinavian Studies and Business Studies



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Дневное n/a Кол-во лет: 4
The Scandinavian languages have a rich literature ranging from the Middle Ages to the modern period; for the linguist they offer a fascinating field for comparative study between themselves and with other Germanic languages; business studies examines the theories, methods and techniques that lie behind successful management, while developing advanced skills of analysis and synthesis; issues of organisational policy and strategic planning co-exist with specialist areas like finance, marketing, operations planning, entrepreneurship, technology, and employment relations; the study of business also draws on a variety of other disciplines, such as psychology, law, economics, sociology, and mathematics.

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Расположение Эдинбурга превосходно с точки зрения всех видов транспорта. Международный аэропорт Эдинбурга находится всего в 20 минутах езды от центра города. В самом городе расположено множество галерей, парков, магазинов и спортивных центров, ресторанов, пабов, ночных клубов, театров и кинотеатров. Каждый год в городе проходит знаменитый на весь мир Фестиваль.