The programme delivered by Centre for Security Studies, aims to introduce a broad and balanced knowledge of international relations theory at an advanced level; provides core training in political analysis and the methodology of the social sciences; examines contemporary global problems and rival approaches to their solution; and offers specialisation in particular areas of the discipline such as foreign policy analysis, global society, regional integration, global environmental politics, strategic and security studies; the general aim of this programme is to provide students with a sophisticated understanding of international relations theory, and to give them the tools they need to use this knowledge in the speciality of their choice.
Кампусы Университета располагаются в городах Халл и Скарборо.
Города Халл и Скарборо связаны с крупными городами страны отличной системой железных дорог и автомагистралей; с железнодорожной станции города Халл ежедневно отходит восемь прямых поездов в Лондон.
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