BA (Hons), Modern European Languages, Ливерпульский университет, University of Liverpool

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Ливерпульский университет, BA (Hons), Modern European Languages



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Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 4
This course is for students who are good linguists and want to achieve a high level of proficiency in several languages; students may study French from A level; Catalan, Irish and Portuguese can be taken from beginners' level; Spanish and Italian can be taken from beginners' or A level; German can be taken from beginners', AS or A level; students learn to speak, listen, read, write, translate and interpret to a high level ; there is an emphasis on languages in the context of contemporary culture and society and on their social and professional relevance; the programme includes a compulsory year abroad. Students take three languages, of which at least two must be advanced (A) modules, and no more than one may be a beginners' (B) module. Language modules are available in French (A), German (A plus B), Spanish (A plus B), Italian (A plus B), Portuguese (B), Catalan (B) and Irish (B); students may continue with the three languages of their choice for the rest of their degree or drop 1 in the 2nd year in favour of a fourth, new language taken from scratch; remaining modules are chosen from a list of complementary non language modules; in the final year, it is possible to drop one language and just follow 2 of French, German, Italian and Spanish. Students spend the 3rd year in 2 countries related to the languages you are studying either as an assistant in a school or at university or on a work placement; the university has links with universities all over Europe including Aix-en- Provence, Dijon, Lyon, Paris, Toulouse, Bonn, Bremen, Göttingen, Salzburg, Würzberg, Alcalá de Henares, Alicante, Barcelona, Madrid, Oviedo, Porto, Valencia, Bari, Genoa, Florence and Rome; during this year, students complete extended essays in the target languages or take examinations at their chosen universities.

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Ливерпульский аэропорт имени Джона Леннона находится примерно в 13 километрах от центра города и предлагает авиасообщение со многими частями Европы. Манчестерский аэропорт, который находится в 45 минутах езды от Ливерпуля, принимает рейсы со всего мира. Из аэропорта до центра Ливерпуля можно добраться по железной дороге или на автобусе.