BSc (Hons), Физиотерапия, Ливерпульский университет - Physiotherapy, University of Liverpool

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Ливерпульский университет, BSc (Hons), Физиотерапия



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 3
This full-time programme educates students to diagnose and holistically treat a wide variety of clinical problems; the curriculum is designed to reflect current practice with research evidence underpinning all aspects of teaching; a broad range of learning opportunities ensures that learning is accessible to students expressing different learning styles and preferences; the programme adopts a modular approach to the delivery of content; it incorporates both university taught and practice-based components which have been designed together as an integrated whole; clinical education is an integral part of the curriculum; the second half of the programme is arranged around blocks of clinical practice that enable students to reinforce and develop professional skills and knowledge in a variety of clinical settings; key transferable skills are embedded into the curriculum at every level so that individuals are equipped to effectively manage their personal and professional development following graduation; in the final year, the curriculum provides a variety of preparatory work for job applications assisting students in enhancing their employability.

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Ливерпульский аэропорт имени Джона Леннона находится примерно в 13 километрах от центра города и предлагает авиасообщение со многими частями Европы. Манчестерский аэропорт, который находится в 45 минутах езды от Ливерпуля, принимает рейсы со всего мира. Из аэропорта до центра Ливерпуля можно добраться по железной дороге или на автобусе.