BA (Hons), Фотография, Университет Западной Англии - Photography, Bristol, University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)

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Университет Западной Англии, BA (Hons), Фотография

Year 1: Students are introduced to a range of practical and academic skills which encourage them to test their preconceptions of photography and their own approach to the medium; this process is intended to help students make appropriate choices and develop their working skills within the increasing amount of self-directed project work students are expected to do throughout the course; alongside the project work are practical workshops in film processing; black and white and colour printing; studio practice; digital photography; Photoshop and larger format cameras are available to students following this programme. Year 2: Students further develop their creative practice through tutorial-led project work and increasingly be expected to involve themselves in peer-evaluation processes where students are required to realistically appraise their own work and the work of their tutorial group; students continue with the visual culture lectures and seminars in order to enhance their skills of critique; during this level students are also expected to experiment creatively; add to their portfolio; acquire further practical skills and to develop their transferable professional skills through an increased contact with the world outside the university; in the second semester students have the opportunity to study abroad or undertake work experience after consultation with the appropriate academic staff. Year 3: In the final year of the programme students undertake self-directed project and research work that reflects their own ambitions beyond undergraduate study; this is negotiated with and supported by the academic staff; students are expected to combine their creative practice with a high level of critical reflection culminating in the presentation of a substantial body of creative and written work; students portfolio (where appropriate) is further developed to meet the high requirements of professional practice but as well as working autonomously students are expected to work co-operatively with their peer group involving themselves in peer-evaluation and any group exhibition of their degree work.

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Город Бристоль находится в центре юго-восточной Англии и связан с остальными частями страны отличной системой транспортного и железнодорожного сообщения. Также на окраине города расположен международный аэропорт, из которого совершаются регулярные рейсы в основные европейские города. Бристоль находится всего в 90 минутах езды от Лондона и в 15 минутах езды от соседнего города Бат, который является объектом всемирного культурного и исторического наследия.

Расстояния на поезде:

  • Город Бат - 15 минут
  • Город Кардифф - 47 минут
  • Лондон - 1 час 30 минут
  • Город Плимут - 2 часа 10 минут