CertHE, Жилищная политика, Колледж северо-восточного Лондона - Housing, College of North East London

успешных поступлений


студентов поступают с первого раза


консультаций студентов с вузами мира

Колледж северо-восточного Лондона, CertHE, Жилищная политика

Stage 1: Compulsory units: Unit C1 housing and society; unit C2 housing policy; unit C3 customer service for housing; unit C4 managing people; plus 2 specialist units from: student accommodation management (unit 5a the context for student accommodation management; unit 5b delivering student accommodation management services); housing support (unit 6a supported housing services; unit 6b housing support for clients); planning and development (unit 7a the framework for planning and development; unit 7b buildings, communities and the environment); neighbourhood and community services (unit 8a customer and neighbourhood services; unit 8b housing management); governance pathway (unit 9a governance and management; unit 9b the governance of housing businesses).

Другие программы вуза

Как ВЕРНО выбрать  ПРОГРАММУ за рубежом?
Получить пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.
