Foundation Certificate, International First Year Business Management Pathway, Университет Де Монфорт - "International First Year Business Management Pathway", De Montfort University (DMU)
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Университет Де Монфорт, Foundation Certificate, International First Year Business Management Pathway



Employability, Professionalism and Academic Study Skilly: This module is designed to help you develop personal and study skills needed to be successful. Time management, organisation and presentation skills and development of effective learning styles are taught along with academic integrity, critical thinking and business ethics.

Financial Decision Making: This module is intended to give a very generalised introduction to Accounting. It concentrates on the use of financial data within business, rather than theory. It covers items and themes for Financial and Management Accounting with a specific reference to the needs of managers when making decisions.

Global Business Issues: This double module introduces current global economic and business issues and the challenges these pose to managers. There is a focus on real situations set against the backdrop of contemporary economic and business events, but by drawing upon a sound foundation of theory

Introduction to Work and Organisations: This module aims to introduce students to the concepts and theories relevant to an understanding of the behaviour of people in organisations. It distinguishes between formal and informal organisations, considers the principles and role of management, the influence of technology and motivating staff at work.

Principles of Marketing: This module provides a basic grounding in and understanding of the theory and practice of marketing as a business management discipline. Through exploration of relevant theories, underpinned by their practical application, you will be able to work with core marketing concepts such as market research and buyer behaviour.

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