MA, Financial engineering, Федеральная политехническая школа Лозанны (EPFL), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

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Федеральная политехническая школа Лозанны (EPFL), MA, Financial engineering

Вступительные требования

Holders of a Bachelor’s degree in a technical discipline such as mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering or economics are eligible to apply for admission into the MFE. Applicants should have a high level of intellectual ability and exceptional analytical skills as well as a strong interest in finance. They should also have a solid background in mathematical analysis, statistics and probability theory. In addition applicants to the MFE should command either one formal computer language such as C, C++ or Java, or a high-level language such as Matlab or Mathematica. English required.

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7 стр.


EPFL расположена в Лозанне, Швейцария, на берегу самого большого озера Европы — Женевского — у подножья Альп и Монблана.