PGCE, Primary Education (Spanish), Институт образования, Лондонский университет, Institute of Education, University of London

успешных поступлений


студентов поступают с первого раза


консультаций студентов с вузами мира

Институт образования, Лондонский университет, PGCE, Primary Education (Spanish)

Вступительные требования

Honours degree of 2.2 or above; 3 A-levels at grade C or above; students are expected to have studied a broad range of national curriculum subjects or other directly related areas before university; a minimum of 10 days relevant experience in a mainstream primary school including 5 days general experience to see the whole school's programme and age range and 5 days following 1 class completed in the academic year in which the course is applied for.

Другие программы вуза

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Получить пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
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