BA (Hons), Art and Design and Education Studies, Университетский колледж Ньюмена, Newman University College

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Newman University College, BA (Hons), Art and Design and Education Studies


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Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 3
This is a joint Honours course which allows the student to study the 2 subjects and divide their time equally between them; the art and design course is designed to enable the student to develop their creative abilities in a range of materials; museums, galleries and location visits are used to develop the student’s understanding and interpretation of different art forms; the student is given the opportunity to analyse and question their own work and achievement; the education studies course has a broad appeal to a wide range of prospective students whose interests include education, teaching and training in schools, colleges and other employment contexts; in exploring contemporary educational issues, the course offers an excellent basis for graduate and postgraduate Initial Teacher Training; the course is not, however, restricted exclusively to school–based issues; through the taught modular programme the student works across a range of themes such a social justice, globalisation and sustainability, and management of change; these are of particular interest to those students whose aspirations lie in other educational environments, such as youth, community and charity work, non-governmental organisations and training and development; in each year of the course the student may undertake a work-related placement module; in the 2nd year this may provide an opportunity for the student to visit a placement of their choosing and study the educational approaches in that setting.

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Город Бирмингем, в котором расположен ВУЗ, находится в центре железнодорожной и автомагистральной систем страны. До колледжа легко добраться на машине. Из международного аэропорта Birmingham осуществляются полеты во многие страны мира, в том числе предлагаемые бюджетными авиалиниями.

Колледж, расположенный на юго-западе города Бирмингем, находится в 20 минутах езды от центра города, рядом с живописным водохранилищем Bartley.