BA (Hons), Art and Design and Education Studies, Университетский колледж Ньюмена, Newman University College

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Newman University College, BA (Hons), Art and Design and Education Studies

Art and design Year 1: The student starts by studying principles and practice of art: questioning what art is and how it is relevant to the student and their experience; using this as a platform the student investigates a range of materials, tools and skills with increasing scope for exploring self generated issues and ideas. Year 2: the student uses the knowledge and experience gained in year 1 to develop project based work using a range of themes of their choice to study the artistic process in more depth from concept through to outcome; the student is able to clearly illustrate the development from initial idea through to diverse completed projects. Year 3: in the final year the student is presented with an even more open brief to engage in art design and practice to further develop their own priorities, personal style and methods of working; throughout the course the student uses information and communication technology, including image manipulation software, 2- and 3-dimensional media and materials. Education studies Modules cover themes including: self, schooling and society; learning processes; the politics of education; educational research; education and the new technologies; schools and learning organisations; education equality and identity; contemporary developments in learning theory. Year 1: Modules may include: Introduction to education studies; classrooms and learning environments; teachers, teaching and pedagogy; interpersonal approaches in education; individual development in an educational context. Year 2: modules may include: the politics of education; learning processes; education, imagination and creativity; knowledge and ideology of education; education, equality and identity; research in education; individual differences. Year 3: modules may include: educational systems and social change; educational and the new technologies; education: contested values and praxis; learning theory: historical and contemporary perspectives; safeguarding children; critical theory and education; research dissertation.

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Город Бирмингем, в котором расположен ВУЗ, находится в центре железнодорожной и автомагистральной систем страны. До колледжа легко добраться на машине. Из международного аэропорта Birmingham осуществляются полеты во многие страны мира, в том числе предлагаемые бюджетными авиалиниями.

Колледж, расположенный на юго-западе города Бирмингем, находится в 20 минутах езды от центра города, рядом с живописным водохранилищем Bartley.