BA (Hons), Графический дизайн, Университет Шеффилд Халлам - Graphic Design, Sheffield Hallam University

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Университет Шеффилд Халлам, BA (Hons), Графический дизайн

Year 1: Students strengthen their graphic design skills and techniques, and establish good working practice; key themes and objectives are to: explore a range of media areas; develop their critical skills; develop their idea generation skills; understand the design process; learn how to solve problems creatively; drawing; printmaking; typography; photography; digital media; moving imagery; branding and marketing. Year 2: students focus on 1 or more areas in graphic design including: advertising; motion graphics; illustration; packaging; interactive design; subjects include competition and live industry briefs with emphasis on professional methods and standards; it also prepares students for an increasingly independent approach to working and developing their portfolio. Year 3: Students develop their work towards your personal interests and aspirations; students work on live projects and international competitions, which need them to innovate, take creative risks and challenge social and cultural conventions; students network with design practitioners; take up industry placements; exhibit work; prepare a portfolio.

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Город Шеффилд расположен в центре графства Йоркшир в Великобритании, имеет удобное транспортное сообщение со всеми крупными городами и аэропортами. Он находится всего двух часах езды на поезде от Лондона. Ближайший международный аэропорт находится в Манчестере.

Это один из самых «цветущих» городов Европы, ведь почти треть города – живописная территория национального парка Скалистый край (Peak District).