BA (Hons), Advertising and Brand Management, Стаффордширский университет, Staffordshire University

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Staffordshire University, BA (Hons), Advertising and Brand Management

Level 1: Introduces students to the key concepts and practices that underpin successful advertising and brand communications (developing an understanding of trends; visual thinking; brief development; marketing principles; brand communications and client (agency) relationships; and there are also option modules in: graphics; photography and advertising history. Level 2: Introduces and encourages the exploration of the methodological and theoretical issues raised by the relationship between advertising; brand management and marketing (engaging closely with strategy; planning and creative practice as integrated activities; modules offered at this level include: account planning; new media; creative practice and buyer behaviour. Level 3: Presents the opportunity to personalise the direction of the award; and many of the modules at this level are based around guided independent work involving: the writing of a research report; multi-disciplinary solutions and creative campaigns; in addition to investigating the strategic importance of future thinking in a branding context.

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