Bachelor, Agricultural Technology, University of Bologna

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University of Bologna, Bachelor, Agricultural Technology



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 3
The first cycle degree programme in Agricultural Technology sets out to train professionals with in-depth knowledge of Plant Production and Protection, Agricultural Chemistry, Economics, Agricultural Engineering and Zootechnics. Graduates will therefore be familiar with the biotic and abiotic factors governing the processes of food- and non-food agricultural production systems and their impact on the environment and product quality. They will also be able to recognise pathogenic agents and parasites and the relative defence techniques. Knowledge of the fundamental disciplines required to pass the state exam to exercise the profession of Junior Agronomist is an integral part of the curriculum.

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В состав Болонского университета входит несколько кампусов, что позволяет развивать преподавание и научные исследования в различных частях региона, благодаря чему улучшается качество работы и жизни всех членов университетского сообщества.

  • Кампус в Чезене
  • Кампус в Форли
  • Кампус в Равенне
  • Кампус в Римини
  • Кампус в Буэнос-Айресе