BA (Hons), Изобразительное искусство, Камбрийский университет - Fine Art, University of Cumbria

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Cumbria, University of, BA (Hons), Изобразительное искусство

Year 1: Includes inductions into all the main resource areas: painting; sculpture; printmaking; photography; information technology; video; practical work is informed by art theory, as well as critical and historic perspectives, placing it in a contemporary context. Year 2: the main focus of year 2 is students’ personally negotiated programme; they take part in a public exhibition, gaining professional experience; this lays the foundation for their practical and theoretical research in year 3; as students’ research and practical skills mature the course increasingly encourages independent thought and action; students attend a series of lectures, talks and projects addressing professional fine art practice and current issues; to reinforce the international focus participants visit cultural centres in major United Kingdom and European cities. Year 3: the final year culminates in the degree show; this major public event, attended by artists and curators, gives students an opportunity to showcase their work.

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Здания Университета расположены как в городе, так и за его пределами; система общественного транспорта в этих местах развита по-разному. Кампусы Университета располагаются на северо-западе Англии, в таких городах, как Карлайл, Пенриф, Эмблсайд и Ланкастер, а также в одном из районов Лондона - Tower Hamlets.