MA, Landscape and Environmental Arts, Камбрийский университет, University of Cumbria

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Cumbria, University of, MA, Landscape and Environmental Arts



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное октябрь Кол-во лет: 1
Вечернее октябрь Кол-во лет: 2
Дневное октябрь Кол-во лет: 1
Course adopts a transdisciplinary philosophy to promote innovative creative thinking across traditionally discrete fields of study; aimed at graduates from a wide range of arts, humanities and science disciplines, or those working in an appropriate environmental context; students learn how to frame research questions and use research methodologies drawn from across the arts, humanities and sciences; course is project-based, and students’ work can combine broad, humanities-based areas of landscape theory with such disciplines as environmental science; raises awareness of the complex relationships between conservation, land use, sustainability, regeneration, tourism and other areas; students are encouraged to develop a questioning and experimental approach, with a grounding in areas of critical theory and analysis in such areas as contemporary approaches to landscape theory and concepts of place.

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Здания Университета расположены как в городе, так и за его пределами; система общественного транспорта в этих местах развита по-разному. Кампусы Университета располагаются на северо-западе Англии, в таких городах, как Карлайл, Пенриф, Эмблсайд и Ланкастер, а также в одном из районов Лондона - Tower Hamlets.