Университет Гринвича, BA (Hons), Education with History
Education All years: Aspects of contemporary education; children as learners; policy and practice in education: from Baker to Blunkett; language and learning in education; information and communications technology in education; any 2 from: equity in education; evaluation and achievement in education; special educational needs; children and schools; pastoral care and personal and social education; plus 2 education options; research development and change in education; education: a negotiated independent study; investigating education: an enquiry project; education option (continued from level 2). History All years: either: Victorian and Edwardian Britain; or 18th century world: state, empire and society; plus either: Europe and the German question; or society and culture in early modern England; or culture and society in 20th century Britain; plus either: magic, witchcraft and popular culture in early modern England; or the rise and fall of apartheid South Africa.
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