BA (Hons), Classical and Historical Archaeology, Университет Шеффилда, University of Sheffield

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Университет Шеффилда, BA (Hons), Classical and Historical Archaeology

Year 1: European classical civilisations; world civilisations. Year 2: archaeological materials; archaeology and text; archaology of the Graeco-Roman world; bioarchaeology; early historic Europe; from households to empires; later historic Europe; later prehistoric Europe; reconstructing ancient environments; reconstructing ancient landscapes; research skills in archaeology; thinking through archaeology. Year 3: aerial photography in archaeology; analysing archaeological materials; archaeology and texts in the age of homer; archaeology summer school (Czech Republic); archaeology, ethnicity and nationalism; archaeozoology; Athens, empire and the classical Greek world; dark age Britain; death and burial in Anglo-Saxon and medieval England; dissertation (classical and historical archaeology); environmental archaeology; funerary archaeology; material life and culture in the medieval and early modern world; Mediterranean landscapes; optical and geophysical surveying in archaeology; rome: capital, hinterland and periphery; social transformations in Britain from the 4th to 2nd millennium BC; swords and sorcery: Northern Europe 1000 BC-AD 500; work place learning.

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