BEng (Hons), Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering, Университет Шеффилда, University of Sheffield

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Университет Шеффилда, BEng (Hons), Biomaterial Science and Tissue Engineering

Year 1: Biology and chemistry of living systems; functional materials 1; industrial awareness and computing skills; introduction to human anatomy and physiology; material science: where to/how fast? 1; materials in medicine and dentistry; mathematics 1a and 1b (materials); microstructure and mechanical properties; structure and bonding of materials. Year 2: cell and molecular biology; deformation of materials; materials and biomaterials practicals; materials for biological applications; materials selection, design and reverse engineering; mathematics ii (materials); physics of living systems 2; principles of materials processing; structural characterisation; structural chemistry and crystallography; the physiology of the musculoskeletal system; the physiology of the neural and endocrine systems. Year 3: advanced structural and chemical analysis; chemistry of silicate materials; composite micromechanics and strong reinforcing fibres; functional polymers and surface analysis; literature survey and project; management for bioengineers; materials science: where to/how fast? 2; metals; research seminars in bioengineering; solidification and thermomechanical processing; structures and properties of glasses; surface modification for biomaterials; tissue engineering approaches to failure in living systems.

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Университет находится в центре Великобритании, всего в 11 км от национального парка Скалистый край и в двух с половиной часах езды на поезде до Лондона.

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