BSc (Hons), Mathematics and Astronomy, Университет Шеффилда, University of Sheffield

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Университет Шеффилда, BSc (Hons), Mathematics and Astronomy

Year 1: Differential and difference equations; introduction to astrophysics; mathematics for physicists; mathematics with Maple; matrices and geometry; mechanics in action; observing the night sky: the celestial sphere and astronomical instruments; our evolving universe; practical calculus; probability, sets and complex numbers; the solar system; vectors and motion. Year 2: advanced calculus; applied differential equations; extra-solar planets and astrobiology; galaxies; linear mathematics for applications; mathematical methods for physics and astronomy; mechanics; methods for differential equations; stellar structure and evolution; techniques of observation; the dynamic interstellar medium; vectors and fluids. Year 3: astronomy project; complex analysis; concepts of astronomy; introduction to cosmology; stellar atmospheres; applicable analysis; classical control; codes and cryptography; combinatorics; continuum mechanics; dark matter and the universe; differential geometry; fluid mechanics 1; graph theory; high energy astrophysics; history of astronomy; history of mathematics; introduction to relativity; knots and surfaces; mathematical methods; milestones in applied mathematics 1: electromagnetism; milestones in applied mathematics 2: quantum theory; nuclear astrophysics; operations research; relativity and cosmology; topics in number theory; undergraduate ambassadors scheme in mathematics; waves. Year 4: advanced operations research; cosmic origins; cosmic origins ; differential equations (advanced); directed reading in astronomy; high energy astrophysics; optics and symplectic geometry; research project in physics and astronomy; signal processing.

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Университет находится в центре Великобритании, всего в 11 км от национального парка Скалистый край и в двух с половиной часах езды на поезде до Лондона.

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