MBioSci, Biochemistry and Genetics, Университет Шеффилда, University of Sheffield

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Университет Шеффилда, MBioSci, Biochemistry and Genetics

Year 1: Biochemical basis of life; from cells to organisms; genetics; molecular biology of the gene; practical molecular biology 1 and 2; the diversity of life. Year 2: analysis of genomes; biological energy transformations; biological membranes; differentiation; gene expression and regulation; genetics of higher eukaryotes; macromolecular structure and function 1 and 2; metabolism: control and manipulation; microbial genetics; practical molecular biology 3 and 4. Year 3: assembly of supramolecular structures; bacterial molecular genetics and differentiation; biochemical basis of human disease; biochemical signalling; biochemistry data handling; evolutionary genetics; functional genomics; gametes and embryos; genetics data handling; genetics of cell growth and division; genome stability and genetic change; human genetics i and ii; laboratory project; library project; macromolecular machines; membrane protein structure and function; modelling human disease; molecular immunology; molecular physiology; physical methods for studying biological structures; plant biotechnology. Year 4: literature review; advanced research topics; introduction to research methodology; extended laboratory project; project in industry.

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