BA (Hons), Design and Applied Arts (Glass), Вулвергемптонcкий университет, University of Wolverhampton

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студентов поступают с первого раза


консультаций студентов с вузами мира

Вулвергемптонcкий университет, BA (Hons), Design and Applied Arts (Glass)

Year 1: Creative approaches in glass (exploring all aspects of the material); drawing and information technology presentation skills; investigating glass culturally and historically; technical skills and practice (in all aspects of glass including blowing; hot casting; architectural sheet glass; surface decoration printing and kiln casting); and visual research. Year 2: design competition brief; glass design practice; introduction to studio-based creative practices (exploring students own technical, visual and contextual professional language); and live projects. Final year: creative industries and opportunities; professional portfolio preparation (focusing on students' future career intentions); professional practice; negotiated projects; and live projects.

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