Высшая школа химической технологии - University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

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Высшая школа химической технологии

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The University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, UCT Prague. is the largest educational institution in its field in Central Europe with a tradition spanning almost two centuries. With progressive fields of study and a prestigious international reputation UCT Prague provides every student with education in advanced technologies and excellent preparation for lucrative careers worldwide.

The history of the university is rooted in the chemistry education in Bohemia of past centuries. Rapid industrial development of the eighteenth century which is linked to many important technological and natural discoveries resulted in the foundation of Prague Polytechnic in 1806, when the first courses in mathematics and chemistry were offered. Both general and practical chemistry were taught to those working with glass, metallurgy and dyes. Later brewing processes, sugar processes, analytics of minerals and technical gases and other subject fields were added.

Today with keeping its polytechnic roots UCT emphasises hands-on, practical training and students do lots of laboratory studies with their professors. The faculty-to-student ratio at UCT is very small. 

UCT Prague is listed 601st in the Times Higher Education ranking 2016. UCT is proud of its international outlook and is being a partner to more than 100 universities and institutions worldwide. It’s also the most active Czech university participating the Erasmus+ student exchange programme.

Over the years the university has been a home for lots of recognisable scientists including the inventor of soft contact lenses professor Otto Wichterle and the winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize for Chemistry Vladimír Prelog. 

  • Год основания
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Академическая специализация

UCT is renowned for pioneering research and has four faculties: Chemical Technology, Environmental Technology, Food and Biochemical Technology and Chemical Engineering.

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ПОЛУЧИТЬ пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Technická 5,
Praha 6 - Dejvice-Praha 6, Czech Republic
166 28
Czech Republic
Посмотреть расположение
+420 220 441 111
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As for location UCT students benefit studying in Prague - a historical city and a major tourist destination with great Baroque architecture and interesting culture. The neighbour countries - Poland, Austria, Germany and Slovakia  - are also easy to reach.