MA, Human Rights, Университет Сити, City University London

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Университет Сити, MA, Human Rights


Вступительные требования

Good Honours degree in any subject; applicants are welcome from those with substantial experience in the media, information services or the communication sectors; non-native English speakers must hold 1 of the following; a 1st degree from an overseas institution recognised by the University as providing adequate evidence of proficiency in the English language; GCE O-level/GCSE English language or English literature, grade C minimum; Cambridge ESOL CPE at grade C or above; an overall score of 6.5 in the IELTS with a minimum of 6.0 for each subtest; a score of 600 minimum (computer score 250) in the TOEFL; satisfactory standard in the verbal section of the Princeton Test (GMAT); US SAT with 500 in verbal performance; WELT with pass grades of BBC minimum; other evidence of proficiency in the English language which satisfies the board of studies concerned.

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Здания Университета разбросаны по всему Лондону, главный кампус находится на площади Нортгемптон. Также Университету принадлежат: Бизнес Школа им. Касса (Cass Business School); Школа Права Университета Сити (City Law School); Клиника Офтальмометрии «Борьба за Зрение» (Fight for Sight Optometry Clinic); Школа Медицинских Сестер и Акушерок Св. Варфоломея (St Bartholomew School of Nursing & Midwifery).