BA (Hons), History and International Relations, Университет Де Монфорт, De Montfort University (DMU)
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Университет Де Монфорт, BA (Hons), History and International Relations

History Year 1: Modules include: Presenting and representing the past; Great Britain, Europe and the wider world; 20th-century Europe; 20th-century America. Year 2: Sport, leisure and culture in 20th-century Britain; the development of modern Britain since 1939; Englishmen and foreigners: immigration, ethnicity and racism during the 19th- and 20th-centuries; United States ethnic history; Russia in revolution, 1861-1917; the Second World War; communism at home and abroad, 1917-89; Britain and the world in the 20th-Century; the Cold War; British India, 1857-1947. Year 3: History dissertation; terror and progress: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 1917 to 1953; media, myth and modern British history; refugees in 20th-century Britain; rural Britain since 1939; nationalism, racism and genocide in 20th-century Europe; moments of decision: Great Britain and European integration; United States intervention and the collective memory of Vietnam. International relations Modules include: The global environment; 20th-century Europe; introduction to politics; introduction to contemporary international relations.

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