MA, Sports Journalism, Университет Де Монфорт, De Montfort University (DMU)

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консультаций студентов с вузами мира

Университет Де Монфорт, MA, Sports Journalism


Вступительные требования

2.2 (Hons) degree in any discipline and a minimum of 1 weeks work experience in a professional newsroom; applicants are expected to demonstrate a commitment to a career in journalism perhaps through involvement in student newspapers and/or other experience in the media; applicants who show evidence of this at the initial application stage are invited to attend an assessment day at DMU which will include NCTJ entrance examinations in current affairs and the use of the English language and a panel interview; Master's students are also required to submit a satisfactory research proposal; exceptionally and where candidates meet the minimum entry standards of the NCTJ, applications are accepted from non-graduates (mature entrants with acceptable and relevant work experience); equivalent qualifications from other international systems receive the same consideration and applicants whose first language is not English should also have IELTS 7.0 or equivalent.

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