MA, Computer science, Федеральная политехническая школа Лозанны (EPFL), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

успешных поступлений


студентов поступают с первого раза


консультаций студентов с вузами мира

Федеральная политехническая школа Лозанны (EPFL), MA, Computer science

Вступительные требования

Students who are enrolled in a 5-year program (e.g., Diplom in Germany or Austria, master program in Sweden, and so on) can apply to the master program at the EPFL IC after their third year if their marks after the first two years (e.g., Vordiplom in Germany) show excellence and motivation. Or candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, computer science or a similar field from a reputable university. Only motivated students with excellent academic records have a good chance to be admitted. The course is taught in English.

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EPFL расположена в Лозанне, Швейцария, на берегу самого большого озера Европы — Женевского — у подножья Альп и Монблана.