PGCE (professional), Post-Compulsory Education and Training, Гейтсхедский колледж, Gateshead College

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Гейтсхедский колледж, PGCE (professional), Post-Compulsory Education and Training

Year 1: Introduction to planning and managing teaching learning and assessment in post-compulsory education and training; practical teaching and professional development 1; developing theories of teaching learning and assessment in post-compulsory education and training; practical teaching and professional development 2; practical teaching requirement. Year 2: contextualising policy and curriculum in post-compulsory education and training; enhancing learning through innovation and change in post-compulsory education and training; advancing practical teaching and professional development 3; practical teaching requirement.

Другие программы вуза

Как ВЕРНО выбрать  ПРОГРАММУ за рубежом?
Получить пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.
