BSc, Data Science, International University of Applied Sciences (Former IUBH)
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IU, BSc, Data Science



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Онлайн янв, фев, мар, апр, май, июн, июл, авг, сен, окт, ноя, дек Кол-во лет: 3 €14019 Whole course 2020 - 2021

Jumpstart your career in the most famous job of the 21st century

Data Scientist has been famously described as the job with the highest potential of the 21st century. Why? On the one hand side, the field offers a diverse mix of capabilities, skills and corresponding opportunities for specialisation that never gets boring. On the other hand, data science, i.e. the generation of insights and value from raw data is the fulcrum of truly digital businesses across all sectors. Here, data informs not only the optimization of existing processes. Even more importantly, it is the key enabler of entirely new business models.

Our international bachelor programme is an ideal opportunity to acquire the relevant skill-set, getting a headstart on your competition. Our graduates are going to take implementing roles in the current data revolution.

Since the term Data Scientist has been coined, the labour market demand of that profession has by far outweighed the supply. Our Bachelor programme opens the door for a fantastic career in this very exciting sector.

The high demand for data scientists and IUBH’s excellent reputation in academia and industry gives IUBH graduates significant leverage for a successful career.
Our programs combine state-of-the-art lectures with industry-leading best practices and allow you to boost your career in your country of origin, in Germany or one of the 25 Schengen countries covered by a post-study work permit.


Как ВЕРНО выбрать  ПРОГРАММУ за рубежом?
Получить пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.


Школа бизнеса и управления IUBH находится в историческом парке Сент Анно Парк в центре городка Бад-Хоннефе. Кампус состоит из отреставрированных старинных построек и современных зданий, что дарит ему неповторимый стиль.

Ближайший международный аэропорт расположен в Кёльне/Бонне. От него до кампуса вуза можно комфортно добраться на поезде или такси.