McGill University, MUP, Urban Planning
Форма обучен. |
Начало |
Продолж. |
Стоимость иностран. |
Период оплаты |
Академ. год |
Дневное |
сентябрь |
Кол-во лет: 2 |
10256 |
Academic year |
n/a |
The M.U.P. program was designed with a strong emphasis on project-based learning, in particular through practical work done in teams in three planning studios. Approximately half of the curriculum is devoted to required courses that teach basic knowledge and skills in urban planning; the other half enables students to select courses or research projects that match their particular interests. Students participate actively in professors’ research programs or define their individual research objectives, sometimes with their own research funding from major agencies (e.g., SSHRC, NSERC, FQRSC, FQRNT).
Другие программы вуза
International Foundation Program International Foundation Year
International Foundation Program Undergraduate Foundation Programme (UFP)
MIM Global Economic Transformation & Technology
MA Publishing (distance learning)