BS, Marketing, Университет Пердью, Purdue University

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Университет Пердью, BS, Marketing


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное авг Кол-во лет: 4 $32400 Academic year 2017
Marketing is a dynamic field which prepares students for a variety of careers ranging from brand and product management to marketing research and analytics to advertising and public relations. What makes marketing exciting is that it has both an analytical and creative aspect. A marketing career can be a good fit for students with liberal arts as well as technical backgrounds. Marketing involves the exchange of goods or services from an organization to a customer. This process requires the organization to decide who will value what we have to offer and why targeted customers will buy from us versus our competitors. Successful product positioning requires a firm to effectively communicate its value proposition and make the product conveniently available at a competitive price. Since marketing is concerned with meeting the needs of customers at a profit, a specialization in marketing provides a good background for a variety of career paths including a start-up or a small business. Marketing also plays an important role in non-profit organizations such as museums, hospitals, and charities.

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Purdue's campus is situated in the small city of West Lafayette, near the western bank of the Wabash River, across which sits the larger city of Lafayette. Academic buildings are mostly concentrated on the eastern and southern parts of campus, with residence halls and intramural fields to the west, and athletic facilities to the north. The Greater Lafayette Public Transportation Corporation (CityBus) operates eight campus loop bus routes on which students, faculty, and staff can ride free of charge with Purdue Identification.

The main campus in West Lafayette offers more than 200 majors for undergraduates, over 70 master’s and doctoral programs, and professional degrees in pharmacy and veterinary medicine. In addition, Purdue has 18 intercollegiate sports teams and more than 900 student organizations.