BA (Hons), Education Studies and French, Честерский Университет, University of Chester

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Chester, University of, BA (Hons), Education Studies and French



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Дневное n/a Кол-во лет: 4
This is a joint Honours programme which allows the student to study 2 subjects in equal proportions; the discipline of education studies draws upon philosophy, sociology, history and psychology to critically examine educational decision making in an attempt to understand contemporary change and persistent trends; education studies is concerned with understanding how people develop and learn throughout their lives and is the study of educational processes and the cultural, political and historical contexts in which they are embedded; the study of French enables the student to develop high level skills in the language of the United Kingdom’s nearest continental neighbour; France is one of the nations central to the development of the European Union, and French is one of the major languages of the community; an intimate knowledge of the language is indispensable for a proper understanding of the country’s history, politics and place in modern Europe; it also opens up to the student the delights of aspects of French culture, such as literature and cinema, as well as enhancing and expanding their prospects of interesting and rewarding employment; the student may also have opportunities to undertake placements abroad at 2 points during the course.

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Кампус Chester находится приблизительно в 10 минутах ходьбы от центра одного их самых живописных исторических городов Англии. Кампус Warrington – самодостаточный студенческий городок – расположен в городе Падгейт графства Уоррингтон. Kingsway Buildings - второй комплекс зданий Университета, расположенный в городе Честер – был открыт в сентябре 2007 года. Дорога от главного кампуса до Kingsway Buildings занимает около 6 минут на машине или 20 минут пешком. В Kingsway Buildings располагается факультет Искусств и средств массовой информации. Как до Честера, так и до Уоррингтона легко доехать на поезде или на машине. Также достаточно недалеко от Университета находятся два аэропорта – Ливерпульский и Манчестерский.