Graduate Diploma, Community Specialist Practice Nursing, Камбрийский университет, University of Cumbria

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Cumbria, University of, Graduate Diploma, Community Specialist Practice Nursing



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Вечернее n/a Кол-во нед: 80
Дневное n/a Кол-во нед: 40
Choose 1 of 5 routes; district nursing, general practice nursing, community learning disability nursing, community children’s nursing and community mental health nursing to prepare students as community specialist practitioners; gain a higher level of knowledge and understanding of complex issues within their specialism, together with the ability to apply them to meet people’s needs; broaden students knowledge and extend their specialist skills in evidence-based practice, public health, health assessment, clinical care, effective team leadership, collaboration, case management, management of change and empowering clients and families.

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Здания Университета расположены как в городе, так и за его пределами; система общественного транспорта в этих местах развита по-разному. Кампусы Университета располагаются на северо-западе Англии, в таких городах, как Карлайл, Пенриф, Эмблсайд и Ланкастер, а также в одном из районов Лондона - Tower Hamlets.