MArch, Архитектура, Университет Данди - Architecture, University of Dundee

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Университет Данди, MArch, Архитектура

Level 1: This year is based on knowledge and skill acquisition in: communications: learning basic techniques; humanities: an introduction to architectural history and theory; technology: an introduction to basic principles and their application in architectural design; architectural studio covers both analytical and design projects aimed at dealing with specific subjects such as analysis of an existing building, or the design of a space to evoke a particular emotion, through to the design of a small building, for a particular client and on a specific site; the student studies 7 modules from these subject areas. Level 2: This year continues to be a structured programme of study, although there is a progression to more self-directed projects and problem-based learning which allows students more space for exploration of their developing ideas; the year focuses on the theme of making as a creative part of the design process and allows students the opportunity to experiment with materials and technology to a 1-to-1 scale; students examine issues of context in terms of existing structures, urban and landscape frameworks; students study 7 modules from the following subject areas: architectural design; humanities; architectural technology; communication. Level 3: This year presents the opportunity to expand upon and demonstrate the understanding skills and knowledge gained over the previous 2 years; students are encouraged to explore in greater depth both urban and landscape contexts as the framework for comprehensive architectural designs; the importance of detailed design is emphasised through the production of large scale models and drawings which explore and illustrate the material grammar of the building; architectural technology at this level is allied to management practice and law, each delivered through a combination of lectures and project-related workshops and seminars; students study 3 modules from the following subject areas: architectural design; humanities; architectural technology/professional studies. Level 4: The aim of the level 4 programme is to enable students to further develop meaningful and reasoned design principles; these are underpinned by a lively sense of personal enquiry through the use of scholarly research methods and investigative techniques; students are encouraged to think more independently and engage in problem forming when formulating comprehensive design propositions; through the completion of a complex architectural design project and supporting evaluative report they demonstrate that they satisfy the majority of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)/Architect's Registration Board (ARB) Professional Criteria at Part 2; in addition to analysing the broad parameters of a comprehensive architectural design, the report at level 4 amplifies a primary aspect of the design proposition as the basis of the architectural thesis undertaken at level 5; students study 3 modules from the following subject areas: architectural design; advanced theory; advanced technology/professional studies. Level 5: At this level the development of students' architectural research and design skills, design philosophy and general approach to architecture continues through the pursuit of specialist knowledge and understanding within a themed unit system; students elect to work within the unit most closely aligned with their architectural research interests developed over the previous 4 years and explored in the evaluative report and comprehensive design at level 4; students undertake an extended and comprehensive architectural thesis which is pursued for the duration of the session, supported by the module research methodologies and critique; the thesis, as the culmination of the architecture programme, comprises a portfolio of original work communicated in a variety of media appropriate to the theme of the chosen unit; through this students demonstrate an enhanced level of expertise through self-directed enquiry as the foundation of an ethos of continuing professional development and lifelong learning; students study 2 modules from the following subject areas: architectural design; research methodologies and critique.

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Университет Данди находится в городе Данди в Шотландии. Город расположен в широком устье реки Тей и окружен холмами и сельскохозяйственными угодьями. В городе можно обнаружить множество базальтовых пород потухшего вулкана Dundee Law. С высоты 174 метра открывается невероятный вид на город и его окрестности.

Данди является самым солнечным городом В Шотландии. Климат в городе умеренный, снегопады случаются редко. Данди есть что предложить любителям уличных видов спорта в течение всего года, как на суше, так и на воде. Неподалеку находятся знаменитые места для рыбалки и курсы игры в гольф, а всего за час можно добраться великолепных гор, прекрасно подходящих для занятий скалолазанием, походов, лыжного спорта или катания на сноуборде.

Данди называют «Городом открытий» (City of Discovery), и в нем действительно есть что посмотреть. Например, корабль из фильма «Шотландец в Антарктиде»- RRS Discovery, построен в городе Данди и является военным кораблем «Единорог» (Unicorn) начала XIX века.

Город связан с остальными частями страны хорошей системой железных дорог, автодорог и шоссе. Ежедневно рейсы из аэропорта Данди вылетают в Лондон, Бирмингем и Белфаст. Международный аэропорт Эдинбурга, который находится всего в часе езды по шоссе, предлагает рейсы по гораздо большему количеству направлений.