BSc, Cognitive Psychology, Университет Восточной Англии, University of East Anglia (UEA)

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Университет Восточной Англии, BSc, Cognitive Psychology

Year 1

In your first year you will study three compulsory modules which will make up your core learning, providing you with a platform upon which you can develop your psychological knowledge.

You will encounter a wide variety of topics, from child development to linking the study of the individual to society. The research module will introduce you to subject specific methods in the study of psychology, as you begin to develop research skills and a critical perspective.

Year 2

The second year follows a similar structure to the first year, with compulsory modules designed to develop your understanding of different branches of psychology. An advanced module in research methods aims to consolidate your knowledge of research design, qualitative analysis and statistics.

Alongside this you will have the opportunity to choose an optional module from a published list which may be a Psychology module (enabling you to develop your applied understanding of a variety of branches of psychology) or an option from outside the school which may be relevant to your career or other interests (eg a business or advanced language module) .

Year 3

  • In the final year you will complete a substantial research project, reflecting your intellectual interests and career aspirations broadly related to a cognitive psychological topic of your choosing.
    You will be supported by a supervisor with expertise in your chosen area of research, helping you to use your research skills to plan and produce a research project drawing on a specific form of data gathering and analysis. This could be focused on interviewing, survey work and/or experimental design, both within the laboratory and in applied contexts.
    You will also select a number of optional modules from a wide range of psychology subjects, designed to give you specialist knowledge in cognitive psychology.
  • You will spend your third year at one of our partner universities including, Temple, San Francisco State, University of Massachusetts Amherst in America and Deakin University in Australia. Partnerships are currently being developed with further universities. You will need to pass your year abroad, but it will not count towards your final degree classification.
  • In your third year you will work full time in a placement which relates to and can draw upon your psychological literacy. Psychology as a discipline is relevant to a wide range of career paths and placements will provide the opportunity to gain experience in one of a variety of professional areas which utilise psychological insight (marketing, education, third sector organisations, therapeutic and rehabilitation services, retail, financial services, research laboratories etc.). Although we will endeavour to match students’ career intentions and interests with placements, because openings will depend on personnel demands in our placement partners we cannot guarantee a specific placement for any individual student. The year is assessed through a Pass/Fail arrangement which is centred on a project exploring how you apply psychology within the workplace and reflect upon your skills, aptitudes and professional development.

Year 4

In the final year you will complete a substantial research project, reflecting your intellectual interests and career aspirations broadly related to a cognitive psychological topic of your choosing.

You will be supported by a supervisor with expertise in your chosen area of research, helping you to use your research skills to plan and produce a research project drawing on a specific form of data gathering and analysis. This could be focused on interviewing, survey work and/or experimental design, both within the laboratory and in applied contexts.

You will also select a number of optional modules from a wide range of psychology subjects, designed to give you specialist knowledge in cognitive psychology.

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Университет Восточной Англии располагается в динамичном городе Норидже, на востоке Англии. До города можно доехать на поезде от Лондона менее чем за два часа; сам город являет собой уникальную смесь исторической английской архитектуры и современного дизайна, который создает динамичную и незабываемую атмосферу. В Норидже у UEA имеется более 300 курсов.

В Норидже расположены восемь театров, пять музеев, четыре кинотеатра, два собора, четыре концертных площадки и замок. Также имеются 300 пабов, рестораны и бары, 1500 исторических зданий, равно как и современные сооружения, такие как Форум (The Forum), являющийся домом для региональной студии ВВС и титулованной Библиотеки Тысячелетия (Millennium Library).

Прошедший в финал конкурса Город Культуры Соединенного Королевства 2013 (UK City of Culture 2013), Норидж поражает своей богатой и мультикультурной энергетикой, гарантирующей разнообразие студенческой деятельности, отвечающее всем вкусам.

Будучи опорным пунктом для исследования Британии, Норидж находится недалеко от Кембриджа и других ключевых городов; междугородние автобусы и поезда с удобством доставят вас в любую точку Соединенного Королевства. Иностранные студенты также смогут по достоинству оценить Международный аэропорт Нориджа, находящегося неподалеку.