MA (Hons), Scandinavian Studies and English Language, Эдинбургский университет, University of Edinburgh

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Эдинбургский университет, MA (Hons), Scandinavian Studies and English Language

Year 1: Absolute beginners take Danish 1A, Norwegian 1A or Swedish 1A, which provide concentrated learning of spoken and written language; students are also introduced to the present-day culture and institutions of their chosen country, and study some literature; for the more advanced, Danish 1B, Norwegian 1B or Swedish 1B builds on earlier competence and contain a more extensive literature component; plus modules from the other chosen subject. Year 2: Danish 2, Norwegian 2 or Swedish 2 which provide more advanced work in language; students also follow a literature course; additionally students have a choice of half-courses in Scandinavian languages; European cinema; or the literature and culture of Medieval Europe; plus modules from the other chosen subject. Year 3: Spent abroad in a Scandinavian country. Year 4: Students continue with advanced language work, as well as selecting a number of special subject options for intensive study; students also write a dissertation; plus modules from the other chosen subject.

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Расположение Эдинбурга превосходно с точки зрения всех видов транспорта. Международный аэропорт Эдинбурга находится всего в 20 минутах езды от центра города. В самом городе расположено множество галерей, парков, магазинов и спортивных центров, ресторанов, пабов, ночных клубов, театров и кинотеатров. Каждый год в городе проходит знаменитый на весь мир Фестиваль.