BSc (Hons), Biology with Conservation and Biodiversity, Университет Шеффилда, University of Sheffield

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Университет Шеффилда, BSc (Hons), Biology with Conservation and Biodiversity

Year 1: Biodiversity; comparative physiology; ecosystems and environmental change; evolution; genes in populations; information technology skills in biology; introduction to cell biology; laboratory skills in biology 1 and 2; population and community ecology; principles of molecular biology; tutorials (biology). Year 2: animal and plant science tutorials; animal behaviour; animal diversity; animal ecology; animal population and community ecology; biodiversity; biotechnology and food; data analysis; ecology project; evolutionary biology; freshwater ecology; genomics, proteomics and metabolomics; insect biology; insects; invertebrates; palaeobiology; plant habitat and distribution; plant population and community ecology; plant, cell and environment; vertebrates; wetland ecosystem field course; wildlife forensics; world ecosystems. Year 3: animal ecology and behaviour field course; behaviour ecology field course; biology and ethics; biology undergraduate ambassadors scheme; community ecology; conservation and management; cooperation and conflict; dissertation; ecotoxicology; environmental microbiology and biotechnology; environmental regulation in plants; evolution of terrestrial ecosystems; global change; history and philosophy of science; issues in conservation biology; life in extreme environments; molecular ecology and conservation genetics; parasitism; project; sex and reproduction; social insects; soil plant relationships; trends in biology; tropical rain forest: biology field course.

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