BS, Industrial Engineering, Висконсинский университет в Мадисоне, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Висконсинский университет в Мадисоне, BS, Industrial Engineering


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное авг Кол-во лет: 4 $36138 Academic year 2017
What sets industrial engineering apart from other engineering disciplines is its broader scope. An IE deals with people as well as things. The industrial engineer applies problem-solving techniques in almost every kind of industry, business, or institution. There are IEs in banks, hospitals, government at all levels, transportation, construction, processing, social services, electronics, facilities design, manufacturing, and warehousing. An IE looks at the "big picture" of what makes society perform best—the right combination of human resources, natural resources, and human-made structures and equipment. An IE bridges the gap between management and operations, dealing with and motivating people as well as determining what tools should be used and how they should be used. Industrial engineering is concerned with performance measures and standards, research of new products and product applications, ways to improve use of scarce resources, and many other problem-solving adventures.

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Built on an isthmus, UW–Madison and the city of Madison seamlessly blend together, creating opportunities and an atmosphere unlike any other campus. When visiting, you can immerse yourself in campus life at lively venues such as Camp Randall, the Memorial Union, and State Street. And you can always find serenity at our treasured natural areas, including the Lakeshore Path and Picnic Point.

Eagle Heights and University Houses are situated just a half-mile northwest of UW-Madison’s western campus and is a community of apartment buildings nestled in 83 acres of green space on the shoreline of Lake Mendota. These neighborhoods primarily serve families, and boasts numerous picnic and playground areas, a central community center and one of the oldest community gardens in the United States. Harvey Street Apartments serves single graduate students and is located south of University Avenue, just west of campus. This quiet street is close to shops, restaurants, and the UW campus.

Getting around Madison

  • By Car: Follow the links for a list of Car Rental Agencies or Taxi and Limousine Services.
  • By Taxi: Taxis and Fares Flyer
  • By Bus: Madison Metro Bus System
  • By Bike: If you are planning to travel by bike you will be happy to know that Madison was recently ranked the 5th Most Bikeable city by Walscore and the 7th Most Bike-Friendly City in America by Bicycling Magazine.