DipHE, Изобразительное искусство, Уорикширский колледж - Fine Art, Warwickshire College

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консультаций студентов с вузами мира

Уорикширский колледж, DipHE, Изобразительное искусство

Year 1 studio: Working strategies (methods and materials, practice and context, individual practice 1 including professional practice); theory: introduction to themes and concepts in the history of art; themes and concepts in contemporary art and practice. Year 2 studio: Individual practice 2 & 3 (review and orientation plus placement option, development plus placement option including professional practice); theory: individual to critical theory; plus one option from critical approaches to art writing; gender and sexuality in art and popular culture; the photographic image of the 20th century; contemporary art worlds; Year 3 studio: Individual practice 4 & 5 (evaluation, presentation; degree show including professional practice); theory: final essay.

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Получить пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.
