MArch, Architecture and Environmental Design, Йельский университет, Yale University

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Йельский университет, MArch, Architecture and Environmental Design

Вступительные требования

Architecture: This program, leading to a degree of Master of Architecture (M.Arch.), is for students holding undergraduate liberal arts degrees, such as a B.A. or B.S., who seek their first professional architectural degree. A student may not matriculate until submission of satisfactory scores of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and, if English is not the student's native language, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Environmental Design: Postgraduate degree or professional experience in the field. A student may not matriculate until submission of satisfactory scores of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and, if English is not the student's native language, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). M.E.D. applicants must demonstrate their proficiency with the English language through both their written proposal and their conversations with the M.E.D. Committee chairperson.

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Йельский университет находится в Нью-Хейвене, штат Коннектикут, старом портовом городе в 120 км к северо-востоку от Нью-Йорка. Деятельность университета выходит далеко за границы США уже с начала XIX века, когда члены кафедр начали впервые преподавать и вести исследования за рубежом.