BA (Hons), Textile Design (pathways in Constructed, Mixed Media, Printed), Университет Де Монфорт, De Montfort University (DMU)

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Университет Де Монфорт, BA (Hons), Textile Design (pathways in Constructed, Mixed Media, Printed)

Year 1: Common to all 3 pathways; students experience the techniques and processes involved in printing, dyeing, weaving, knitting and embellishment of cloth; this knowledge is then applied to your chosen pathway from the end of year 1. Years 2 and 4: Constructed textiles pathway (BSc Honours): covers the creative, computer-aided, technical and commercial aspects of textile design; these subjects, supported by textile technology, provide a broad understanding of the textile industry, from the materials used in production to the creation of finished fabrics; mixed media textiles pathway (BA Honours): students cross the conventional boundaries of techniques and materials to create mixed media textiles that are innovative and original; year 2 focuses on personal exploration; printed textiles pathway (BA Honours): year 2 focuses on the development of design process skills through projects covering a range of applications including interior, fashion and site-specific textiles. Year 3: Constructed textiles pathway: work placement in a relevant area of the textile industry; mixed media textiles pathway: students work to external briefs, competitions and self-negotiated study; they develop visual communication skills in design, through drawing and exploring materials to create 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional work; printed textiles pathway: students produce a graduate portfolio through the major project.

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