Foundation Certificate, International First Year Engineering Pathway, Университет Де Монфорт - "International First Year Engineering Pathway", De Montfort University (DMU)
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Университет Де Монфорт, Foundation Certificate, International First Year Engineering Pathway



Engineering Mathematics 
Gain a sound knowledge and command in mathematics with an emphasis on engineering applications. It is intended for students who need to develop their mathematical skills before they can fully undertake other elements of degree work. The five main sections of the course are algebra, calculus, numerical methods, ordinary differential equations and probability.

Principles of Design and Manufacture 
This module teaches the key elements of the design process and shows how design encompasses all disciplines of engineering. You are shown how any modern engineer has to produce cost-effective solutions while keeping a close eye on the product life cycle with a view to maintaining sustainability. You deal with budgeting, meeting deadlines, working with others as well as research, interpretation and referencing.

Computer Aided Engineering 
This module introduces the general principles of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and focuses on its use in mechanical and electrical and electronic engineering. You will be able to use standard industry software to create and analyse solid models, analyse simple electronic circuits and examine the main features of programming languages.

Electrical and Electronic Principles 
This double module consolidates fundamental principles in electrical and electronics science together with a basic knowledge and understanding of common analogue and digital electronic devices.

Mechanical Principles
The aim of this double module is to provide you with a clear understanding of the key concepts of mechanical engineering. Learn to take accurate measurements, analyse and critically appraise experimental data and present the results of your experiments with a critical analysis in a written format as a short scientific report.

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Город Лестер находится в самом центре Англии, на пересечении многочисленных транспортных путей. Он находится недалеко от крупных автомагистралей M1 и A1, что очень облегчает путешествия как на север, так и на юг. M69 и M6 также находятся неподалеку от города и соединяют Лестер с Бирмингем, Уэльсом и всем юго-западным регионом. За час с небольшим из Лестера можно добраться до Лондонского вокзала Сент-Панкрас и станции высокоскоростных поездов Eurostar (на которых можно за 4 часа доехать до Парижа). Аэропорт Ист-Мидлендс с регулярными рейсами в города по всей Европе находится всего в получасе езды от Лестера.