MS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Северо-Восточный университет, Northeastern University
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Северо-Восточный университет, MS, Electrical and Computer Engineering


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное авг Кол-во лет: 3 $47072 Academic year 2017
At Northeastern the Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering can be pursued full-time or part-time. Some full-time students are supported by research assistantships which are awarded competitively during the application process, and which are occasionally available at other times. Part-time students will find that many graduate courses are offered by video streaming to allow them to maintain a full-time career. At the time of applying to the program, the applicants select their preferred track as well as their concentration of study from the seven concentrations offered by the ECE department. These concentrations are Communications, Control, and Signal Processing Computer Networks and Security Computer Systems and Software Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Algorithms Electromagnetics, Plasma, and Optics Microsystems, Materials, and Devices Power Systems

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Northeastern University расположен в трех районах Бостона — Фенуэй, Роксбери и Бэк Бэй, в непосредственной близости от Музея изящных искусств и симфонического зала Бостона. Этот район таже называют Культурным районом Фенуэй.

Вуз предлагает программы бакалавриата и магистратуры на территории основного кампуса в Фенуэй-Кенмор, а также корпусов в Рокбери, Саут-Энд и Бэк Бэй.