BA, International Events Management, Лондонский Университет Риджентс, Regent's University London
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Лондонский Университет Риджентс, BA, International Events Management

The programme has four themes:

  • Event operations - You will explore the events management industry and the range of approaches to service operations and management
  • Business and management - You will gain knowledge and understanding of the essential business functions of marketing, law, human resource management and finance
  • Languages and culture - You will have the opportunity to build your international outlook through the study of other languages and cultures and a period of study abroad
  • Special studies - A range of elective modules offers the opportunity to extend your main studies in greater depth or to explore more specialised topics related to your potential career destination

You will study a number of core modules to build broad knowledge of business and the events management industry, on top of which you will choose from a broad selection of elective modules.

Some students may be required to complete a module in English language study.

In the first year you will develop your understanding of the industry, followed by a focus on different aspects of events management and their relation to consumers, organisations, cities and countries.

The programme culminates in a major international events management dissertation.

International languages
Speaking more than one language is highly beneficial for working across international boundaries.

You will have the option to study one of nine commercially important languages: Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.

Languages are taught with a focus on professional communication skills, which prepares you to succeed in your Study Period Abroad and beyond.

If you are a non-beginner in your chosen language, we will give you a test at registration to determine the level at which you will start: beginner, intermediate or advanced.

(Note: if your level of competence in a language is at native-speaker level, you will not be able to study that language.)

Study Period Abroad
You will undertake a Study Period Abroad (SPA) in Terms 4 and 5*. Your destination will depend on the language you are studying (if you are not taking a language, your SPA will be in English).

The University’s International Partnerships Office will support you before, during and after your SPA.

* The second SPA may be replaced by the Placement Learning Project

Work experience
Work placements are an integral part of the programme and you will complete 30 weeks of work experience alongside your studies.

This provides practical enrichment of your learning, allowing you to test your knowledge in a variety of real-world business and cultural settings.

Such experience is highly valued by potential employers and will significantly enhance your career prospects after graduation. The University’s Careers & Business Relations team can help in finding suitable internships and will support you throughout your placement.

Placement Learning Project
In Term 5 you have the option to embark on a 16 to 20-week Placement Learning Project, replacing one of the study periods abroad.

This will involve working in a host organisation as an intern and team member, offering you the opportunity to gain major experience of a real-world working environment.

To complete the module, you will submit a report, analysing the organisation and reflecting on your experiences working there. Please note: the PLP is undertaken in addition to the 30 weeks of work experience.

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Главный корпус Университет Риджентс находится в живописном Риджентс Парке, откуда можно добраться пешком до Вест-Энд — части Лондона, где сосредоточены одни из лучших в мире музеев, галерей, развлечений и торговых центов. Кроме того, благодаря удачному расположению вуза в центре Лондона, студенты могут с легкостью перемещаться по городу на общественном транспорте и метро.