Bachelor, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna

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University of Bologna, Bachelor, Computer Science and Engineering



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 3
In conformity with the ministerial decree on degree class objectives, the teaching programme aims to give graduates both a solid theoretical, technological and methodological grounding, and some precise operative skills acquired through working on set projects that form an integral part of the training. Guided in this work, students will learn of the problem issues, reference models and the methods typically used in modelling and designing modern systems of data processing, as well as the very latest techniques by which to apply them.

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В состав Болонского университета входит несколько кампусов, что позволяет развивать преподавание и научные исследования в различных частях региона, благодаря чему улучшается качество работы и жизни всех членов университетского сообщества.

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  • Кампус в Равенне
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