Западночешский университет в Пльзене - University of West Bohemia
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Западночешский университет в Пльзене

Справка о вузе

The University of West Bohemia, UWB, in Pilsen was launched in 1991 being a result of the Mechanical and Electric Engineering College and the Faculty of Education in Pilsen merging. These both institutions were set up at the end of the 1940s.

As well as education and engineering programmes the university teaches applied sciences, design and art, economics, philosophy and arts, law and public administration, languages, health care and technology and many other subjects. Recently the institution have extended research in education, economics, law, philosophy and arts.

Nowadays the university is a modern fast growing institution. The educational activities at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen include lifelong learning programs for general public in the form of lectures, courses and comprehensive training programs, including the popular Third-Age University. In addition to its educational activities, the University is also an important centre of Research and Development with great investment in University development and construction activities on the University campus. 

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS, Label awarded to the University certifies compliance with European standards. Each graduate receives a Diploma and a Diploma Supplement confirming international recognition of education.

In 2016 the UWB is ranked 94th by QS EECA University Rankings among universities in Emerging Europe and Central Asia.

Among the university’s notable alumni are politicians Karla Slechtova and Jiri Pospisil,  poet, writer, and actor Milan Chovanec and academic Milan Kohout.

  • Год основания
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Академическая специализация

The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen provides a wide variety of courses for both Czech and international students. It is the only institution of higher education in this part of the country which prepares students for careers in electrical and mechanical engineering, science as computer science, applied mathematics, physics, mechanics, primary and secondary education, economics, philosophy, politology, archaeology, anthropology, foreign languages, law and public administration, art and design.

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University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 2732/8,
Plzeň 3, Czech Republic
306 14
Czech Republic
Посмотреть расположение
+420 377 631 111
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Plzeň, also called Pilsen in English and German, is a city in western Bohemia in the heart of Europe. It is about 90 kilometres west to Prague and is the fourth most populous city in the Czech Republic.

Plzeň was a European Capital Of Culture in 2015, along with Mons, Belgium.  It is also known worldwide for Pilsner beer created by Bavarian brewer Josef Groll there in 1842.