Американский университет - American University

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Американский университет

Студенческая жизнь

AU has over 240 recognized organizations on campus, ranging from political to social. The Student Union Board (SUB), a part of the Student Government, is AU's oldest student-run organization. Since 1963, the SUB has arranged big name concerts and live entertainment for AU.

American University offers a host of resources and services to help each student thrive. Because AU is an institution focused on global education, most services have components that specifically address international students: academic support center helps students in their academic achievements, counseling center.

The university’s Office of Campus Life is made up of 13 different departments, each designed to support students in different areas, from spiritual life to their academic studies. Its aim is to establish an environment on campus that encourages learning, development and success.

It also houses an extensive collection of international, political and local art, including a public museum and sculpture garden that can be found within its Katzen Arts Centre, as well as performance art spaces and rotating exhibitions.

Students at American University have been rated among the most politically active in the nation, and there are more than 200 student clubs and organizations on campus. The school also has a sizeable Greek system with about 30 fraternities and sororities.

Student Activities staff serving as advisors, mentors and educators, provide the foundation for student engagement, leadership development and student-initiated programming in a challenging environment which promotes personal, social, and intellectual growth. Student Activities’ main goals are to provide information on campus involvement and to empower students with the tools they need to be successful student leaders.

Проживание студентов

Housing is guaranteed for two years. Most freshman and sophomore students choose to live on campus. Freshmen are not required to live on campus. Residence halls on the main campus are grouped into two "campuses": North Side and South Side. About 98% of freshmen live on campus.

Развитие карьеры студентов

The American University Career Center supports the university’s commitment to uncompromising quality in the education of its students. The Career Center teaches undergraduates, graduate students and alumni to develop educational and career goals, decision-making skills and job search strategies needed to manage their professional and academic pursuits.

As an undergraduate, graduate student or alumni within one year of graduation, students can tap into the expertise and guidance of a peer advisor or career advisor dedicated to their school.

If a student graduated more than one year ago, he is invited to meet with AU alumni career advisor, for up to three 30-minute appointments at no charge.

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American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington, United States
DC 20016
United States
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+1 202-885-1000
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The university located in a suburban pocket of northwest Washington is close to a stop on the D.C. area Metrorail transit system. Rides to downtown take about 15 minutes.

American University has two non-contiguous campuses used for academics and student housing with the main campus on Massachusetts Avenue and the Tenley Campus on Nebraska Avenue. An additional facility houses the Washington College of Law located half a mile northwest of the main campus on Massachusetts Avenue. Additionally, AU owns several other buildings in the Tenleytown and Spring Valley and American University Park areas.